Thursday 8 May 2014


I penned these words three years ago and they are still relevant today: 

You don’t need to do anything
You give me everything
Just because you exist
At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person.
Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us

 – Albert Schweitzer

Today was a day of good fortune, a rare day when one miracle led to another. I had cause to think with deep gratitude as I drove home. Then in an unexpected moment, a miracle even more rare and precious than all the others. I turned my head and out of the corner of my eye, he was there again, my beautiful dark angel.

Present moment, wonderful moment.


Sunday 2 February 2014


Borne by the stars
And bathed by the light of the moon

 A different sort of child
Rainbows of color and a salient aura

 An oblique formation

 Crude matter is formed with a rare beauty
Filled with light love and imagination

 With inner sight launched through a mystical lens
The transformation begins

 Rise out of the ordinary my precious one
Yours is a different path
You will transform the world

 I love you…my Indigo Child


Sunday 23 June 2013

Deliver Me

He dances with fire under the full moon,
Weaving and spinning – the magic begins.
You are welcomed into the circle and fall under his spell.
His dark eyes are but a veil
for a thousand secrets and endless mysteries under this starlit sky.
Dance with me, time does not exist in this realm.
Only you, and me.
Bewitching, but now bewitched,
A sweet alchemy of Spirit and Love.
Twin souls, angels of light and darkness,
Brought together once again
In the eternal dance of destiny and love.
My journey started here, metaphorically. With the one who brought me back from the depths of darkness into the light. That precious light which I treasure now as my greatest gift. A great teacher, a great Healer. He is honoured, and with gratitude. I give thanks, and send love…
Fight Fear.
Find Peace.
Remember, Spirit, follow your Heart.
Know you are Loved.

Moon Magic


I am the Spirit Moon

You do not see me for I am hidden inside the Soul.

Others want you for themselves, but I call you back to yourself.

Come to me and I will take you to the depths of Spirit. 

-  Rumi

Today is the full moon of Summer Solstice. An appropriate time to post the first entries on my new blog. Welcome! I hope my thoughts and words inspire you, make you reflect, make you go deeper, raise your conscious awareness and be a source of solace and healing. My journey for the last two and a half years has been one of mystery and magic, I want to share that with you. All will be said from the depths of my Spirit and always with love and good intention. 

